Top 8 Crypto Traders to Follow 2023

Top crypto traders to follow
Top crypto traders to follow

Cryptocurrency trading has seen explosive growth in recent years. With so many traders flooding the market, it can be challenging to identify the truly elite ones. Following the trades of top crypto traders can provide valuable insights into the strategies, indicators, and techniques used by the pros. This article overviews some top crypto traders to watch and potentially follow in 2023. Besides, this guide also shows you how to profit from these top crypto traders.

Why Should You Follow Top Crypto Traders?

Follow top crypto traders can be a great ways to start for newbie
Follow top crypto traders can be a great ways to start for newbie

Following top traders can be a great starting point and source of learning, but careful study, independent analysis, and practice will be needed to become a successful trader yourself. There are a few reasons why following top crypto traders can be beneficial:

  • Experience: Top crypto traders have likely been trading for years and have a lot of experience navigating the ups and downs of the crypto market. They understand market cycles, trends, and technical analysis techniques that the average trader may not. You can learn from their experience and strategies.
  • Insights: Top traders often provide insights into their trades, market outlook, and analysis. You can gain valuable perspectives and understand what factors they are considering when making trades.
  • Early signals: Some top traders may give early signals of trades they are making, which could give you a head start before the rest of the market catches on. However, be careful not to follow all trades blindly without research.
  • Avoid mistakes: By studying the strategies of top traders, you can learn from their successes and any mistakes they make along the way. This can help you avoid making similar errors when trading yourself.
  • Performance: Top traders generally have a track record of outperforming the market. Following their strategies and insights, especially in the short term, can help you generate above-average returns.

How to Rank Top Crypto Traders?

There're some criteria to evaluate the top crypto traders
There’re some criteria to evaluate the top crypto traders

There is no definitive ranking of the best traders in the world. Different sources use different methodologies to compile their lists. Some factors that are often considered when evaluating top traders include:

  • Trading performance: Traders with consistently high returns and low volatility are often considered among the best. However, performance data is not publicly available for many traders.
  • Trading assets: Traders who achieve top performance across multiple asset classes like stocks, forex, commodities, etc., tend to be highly regarded.
  • Trading style: Discretionary traders who employ complex, unique strategies and quantitative traders who deploy algorithmic models are often considered some of the best.
  • Size of capital: Traders who consistently generate high returns while managing large amounts of capital are considered more skilled.
  • Longevity: Traders who have sustained top performance over many years are seen as mastering the profession.
  • Reputation: Traders well-known in the industry and with a public profile often make the lists. This is partly due to a lack of data on lesser-known traders.
  • Innovation: Traders credited with developing new trading strategies, indicators, or techniques tend to be highly ranked.

Top 8 Crypto Traders to Follow 2023

Keeping up with the most current developments in the bitcoin market may be made easy by following the top crypto traders. These traders routinely impart their trading expertise, market analysis, and trading guidance, allowing you to gain an inside peek at their trading methods and benefit from their triumphs and mistakes.

Binance CEO Changpeng Zhao (CZ)

Changpeng Zhao
Changpeng Zhao

The CEO of the top cryptocurrency exchange Binance is Changpeng Zhao, also known by his initials CZ. He is well known for his technical knowledge and ability to develop winning strategies.

CZ is a prominent and active player in the cryptocurrency industry. On social media sites, primarily Twitter, he frequently publishes his opinions, observations, and updates on events in the sector. Moreover, he has participated in several projects supporting worldwide blockchain use and education.

CZ is also an active cryptocurrency trader, and other traders frequently draw inspiration from his trading methods.

Stephen Antonioni

Stephen Antonioni
Stephen Antonioni

Stephen Antonioni is a popular Canadian cryptocurrency trader and YouTube content creator with nearly 200k subscribers. He is known for his signature trading style of “swing trading” where he looks for large percentage gains within short time frames of days to weeks. He emphasizes risk management and limiting losses.


Pentoshi Twitter
Pentoshi Twitter

Another well-known trader is Pentoshi, who frequently tweets charts to roughly 700k followers. Pentoshi estimated that the peak price of Bitcoin will be around $64,000 in 2021. He also doesn’t post anything on YouTube or Telegram.

Willy Woo

Willy Woo
Willy Woo

Willy Woo is among the most well-known authorities on BTC price targets and methods. He is particularly renowned for his focus on “on-chain metrics,” which entails examining data stored on the blockchain to comprehend elements like network activity, transaction volume, and investor behavior. He makes forecasts and offers analysis on the trajectory of the cryptocurrency market using these findings.

Willy Woo is frequently sought out for his opinions on Bitcoin and has developed a sizable fan base because of his aptitude for concisely and understandably articulating challenging ideas. He provides his analyses and observations using several platforms, such as his personal blog and Twitter account. He frequently receives advice from institutional investors and has long been one of the top crypto traders.



More than 550k customers have subscribed to CryptoCred, a technical trader and independent crypto educator.

He freely distributes all of his information over many channels, such as Twitter and Telegram, including daily market analysis and trading advice. He has several courses in his technical analysis, and he regularly adds to the study guides.

Jameson Lopp

Jameson Lopp
Jameson Lopp

Casa, a company that offers storage options for cryptocurrencies, was founded by Lopp. He has a lot of expertise in data encryption and is an expert in security measures. He has significantly aided in the growth and development of Bitcoin.

Lopp has written extensively and is well-known for his understanding of Bitcoin. With his own blog and other media channels, he disseminates his ideas and views, frequently talking about technical elements of Bitcoin, security procedures, and the more enormous ramifications of decentralized technology.

He is frequently regarded as a trustworthy market knowledge source and one of the top crypto traders.



On cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and altcoins, DonAlt is well known for his perceptive chart analysis and commentary. Using his social media platforms, primarily Twitter, he expresses his opinions on market trends, price changes, and future trading opportunities.

DonAlt’s trading style is frequently defined by an emphasis on risk management and establishing distinct entry and exit points. He stresses the value of discipline and patience in trading.

Charlee Wayne

Charlee Wayne
Charlee Wayne

Charlee discovered the importance of financial education in Canada when he decided to improve his financial situation. So, Canadians who wish to better their own finances and get financial freedom should watch his channel.

Bonus Tips: How to Profit from Following Top Crypto Traders?

There are several ways you can benefit from following top crypto traders. Why don’t you try and follow these methods below:

Copy Trading

Copy trading is a great way to follow the top crypto traders
Copy trading is a great way to follow the top crypto traders

This is one of the best methods where you can literally copy the trades of the top traders into your own account. Many crypto exchanges and brokerages offer copy trading features now. You can select the traders you want to follow, and their trades will be automatically copied into your account. This allows you to profit from their strategies with minimal effort.

WeCopyTrade is a reputable copy trading platform that allows you to generate passive income by copying the trades of top crypto traders with proven performance. The algorithm automates the entire process so you can profit with minimal effort or experience. It’s an excellent option for those seeking to earn profits from top crypto traders through copy trading.

Read more: How to Copy Trade: Step by Step Guides for Beginners

Learn and Apply Their Strategies

By studying the strategies of top traders, you can learn things like technical analysis techniques, risk management practices, trade setups they look for, and more. You can then apply these lessons to your own trading and hopefully generate profitable results.

Update the latest information about crypto traders and their strategies on WeCopyTrade.

Automate Alerts

Some traders provide alerts via email, text or even directly on their social media channels when they enter a new trade. You can set up alerts for multiple traders and only take the trades aligning with your strategy and risk tolerance.

Take Partial Positions

Even if you can’t copy all of a top trader’s positions, taking partial positions in some of their highest conviction trades can still yield good returns. Start small at first and only risk an amount you are comfortable with.

Final Words

In conclusion, following the right crypto traders can be a valuable learning experience and potentially profitable. But always practice risk management, research, and only trade funds you can afford to lose. Copy trading top traders is a great option for passive income, but nothing replaces developing your own strategy over time.

To earn profits from top crypto traders, consider signing up for a copy trading platform and selectively choosing traders to follow based on transparency, strategy, results and risk management practices. Start small at first and increase your position sizes as you gain confidence.
