Social Trading vs Copy Trading Which One is Better for New Traders

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Social Trading vs Copy Trading Which One is Better for New Traders
Social Trading vs Copy Trading Which One is Better for New Traders

Just starting with stock investing and wondering how social trading works? Social trading let traders see what trades others are making and choose to copy their transactions. It is a way for new traders to potentially learn from seasoned investors on social trading platforms. This article will explain the differences between social trading and another similar approach called copy trading, helping you determine which may be a better fit as you begin your investing journey.

Understanding Social Trading and Copy Trading

Both social trading and copy trading may help you earn from your trades without putting in too much effort. Let us explore the definitions of these two forms of trading.

What is Social Trading?

Social trading is a fusion of trading and social media, where traders may interact with one another, exchange insights and analysis, and even follow the tactics of successful investors. It is similar to a trading community in which traders share their knowledge, motivations, and experiences openly.

Social trading lets traders share their knowledge, motivations, and experiences
Social trading lets traders share their knowledge, motivations, and experiences

Social trading allows you to see what trades other traders are making in real-time through online platforms. It gives newcomers a way to learn from more experienced investors. Whether just observing trades or automatically copying them, social trading provides opportunities for education and potential profits by following the moves of others. 

What is Copy Trading?

Copy trading is a relatively recent approach in which one trader, known as the copier, mimics the positions of another trader, called the provider. The copier copies the trades of the provider, opening identical positions with the same size when the provider executes a position.

The concept behind copy trading is that through copy trading platforms, the copier may profit from the provider’s expertise, talents, and methods without having to conduct all of the analysis themselves. Copy trading allows the providers to possibly increase their income by letting other trader to imitate their transactions. This offers providers an incentive to create effective techniques.

Copy trading allows a trader to copy the trade of a seasoned trader
Copy trading allows a trader to copy the trade of a seasoned trader

Several trading platforms automatically duplicate the provider’s transactions for the copier, but others allow the copier to select which trades to copy. This enables copiers to choose deals that are compatible with their risk tolerance and preferences.

Pros and Cons of Social Trading and Copy Trading

Let us dive into the advantages and disadvantages of social trading and copy trading.

Pros and Cons of Social Trading

Pros of Social Trading:

  • Learning opportunity: It offers a good opportunity to learn from seasoned traders. You can observe their strategies and discuss the market with them.
  • Community support: Social trading platforms create a sense of community. Traders can talk about trends, get feedback on ideas, and support each other.
  • Transparency: Most platforms show transparency in traders’ performance. This helps you decide who to follow by understanding their track record.

Cons of Social Trading:

  • Risk of misinformation: Not all traders in the community will necessarily be experts. Following bad advice could lead to losses. It takes time to properly evaluate different traders and filter out those who are truly knowledgeable.
  • Overconfidence: Some traders may take on more risk than they should if they see others having big wins. This may result in losses.
  • Risk of getting wrong information: When discussing strategies, there is a possibility of getting wrong information from other community members.

Pros and Cons of Copy Trading

Benefits and drawbacks of Copy Trading
Benefits and drawbacks of Copy Trading

Here are the pros and cons of copy trading based on the source:

Pros of Copy Trading:

  • Access the expertise of seasoned traders without having to do all the research yourself. You can benefit from their experience.
  • Potential for great returns if you copy a trader with a good track record, though losses would also be similar. 
  • It requires less time commitment since you are not researching and placing trades yourself.
  • Providers can earn extra income if other traders copy their trades successfully.
  • Some platforms allow you to selectively copy certain trades of a provider to match your own risk level.
  • You can copy multiple providers to diversify your investments and reduce risk from any one provider.

Cons of Copy Trading: 

  • Same risks as the provider: Your success is directly tied to the trader you copy. If they make mistakes, you will lose money too. You rely fully on the provider’s decisions with no control over your portfolio.
  • Not all providers are successful traders: You need to check their history carefully before copying.
  • Lack of transparency: Some platforms do not provide much info about providers, making it hard to properly evaluate them.
  • Fees and commissions: Fees charged by the platform will reduce your potential profits.
  • Trades may not be copied instantly, so you miss out on the original entry price.

Key Differences between Social Trading and Copy Trading

At their core, both social trading and copy trading enable traders to follow and imitate the trading activities of other traders on online platforms. Here are some of the key differences between these two forms of trading.

Criteria Social trading Copy trading
Approach Encourages social engagement and learning from other members of the community Involves automatically replicating the real-time trades of specific traders
Control Gives more flexibility and allows you to make your own decisions Offers less control as you simply follow the actions of the trader you copy
Risk Your success depends on your own ability to apply what you learn Your success is directly tied to the performance of the trader you copy
Participation Lets you interact with others, discuss ideas, and follow traders automatically replicates trades without active participation
Transparency Social trading platforms provide transparency into traders’ strategies and performance Copy trading platforms sometimes offer limited information about copied traders
Learning Social trading is good for learning from others in a community environment Copy trading does not inherently provide a learning experience.
Customization Social trading allows discretion over which advice and strategies to follow Copy trading replication is normally the same as the copied trader, without customization

Which One is Better for New Traders?

Now that you know the definitions as well as the pros and cons of social trading and copy trading. So which one to choose?

Which One is Better for New Traders?
Which One is Better for New Traders?

Social trading is ideal for: 

  • Newcomers who wish to learn trading skills without risking their own capital. They will have a change to gain knowledge, motivation, and confidence by following other traders. They may learn from the insights and analysis shared by seasoned traders.
  • Traders who see trading as a fun activity mainly. Their primary goal is community interaction more than high profits.
  • Traders focused more on market sentiment rather than number-crunching. They want to understand what others are feeling about trends.
  • Expert traders who wish to attract followers and enhance their reputation in trading. This helps them earn income from followers later.

Copy trading is ideal for: 

  • Beginner traders or investors who want to learn the basics of trading by replicating experienced traders while also making some money.
  • Traders who do not have much free time available for trading activities. Automated copy trading allows them to trade without much effort.
  • Expert traders who want to earn extra income by letting other traders copy their trades. They receive fees, commissions or a share of profits depending on their broker’s policy.
  • Traders who make emotional decisions sometimes when trading. Copy trading takes decisions out of their hands and lets a top trader manage their money instead.

Final Words

To summarize, social trading emphasizes the social aspect of trading, letting traders engage, learn, and make their own decisions. Copy trading is the automatic copy of successful traders’ deals without the need for social contact or decision-making.

Both social trading and copy trading can help new traders get started in the market. By observing expert traders, asking questions and sharing ideas with others, newcomers gain a deeper understanding compared to just copying trades. The community support also boosts confidence during the early days of learning. Ultimately, either approach could work if used carefully. See more useful trading tips at