How to Get Funding for Trading: Start with the Lowest Investment

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How to Get Funding for Trading
How to Get Funding for Trading

Getting the capital needed to begin trading can be very difficult, especially when just starting out. Most aspiring traders do not have hundreds of thousands or millions of dollars at their disposal to fund their trading accounts like professionals. However, there are ways to start small and systematically build up your trading account over time. 

This article will outline different methods how to get funding for trading even if you only have a little bit of money to invest. The key is proving your skills with smaller amounts of capital first before asking for more substantial investments later.

Educate Yourself

Before seeking funding for trading, it’s crucial to educate yourself about the financial markets and develop a solid trading strategy. Take the time to read books, attend seminars, and enroll in online courses to enhance your knowledge and skills. Demonstrating a strong understanding of trading concepts and strategies will increase your chances of securing funding.

Maybe you’re interested in our blog post: Is There Any Trading Course Online Free?

Start with a Paper Trading Account

Set up a paper trading account
Set up a paper trading account

One of the best ways to prepare for real money trading is to set up a paper trading account with an online broker. Paper trading allows you to simulate real trades using fake money so you can test strategies and build experience without putting actual capital at risk. 

Spend at least 6 months to a year paper trading to work out any kinks in your approach and understand how you respond psychologically to wins and losses when no real money is on the line. The lessons learned from paper trading are invaluable and set the stage for you to trade successfully later when real capital is involved.

Fund Your Account with Savings

If possible, start funding your real money trading account with your own savings. Even if you can only afford $500 or $1000 to start, using your own hard-earned money will force you to trade cautiously and responsibly. Beginning with savings teaches discipline and encourages you to grow your account steadily through proven, high-probability trading strategies. 

Keep a detailed trading journal and aim to generate consistent profits month after month. As you build up your skills and track record, you can consider adding more of your own funds over time.

Crowdfunding Your Trades

Crowdfunding your trades
Crowdfunding your trades

Crowdfunding has emerged as a popular way for businesses and individuals to raise money from a large pool of backers. There are peer-to-peer lending platforms designed specifically for crowdfunding trading accounts. You may be able to get funding for small trades (under $5000) to start by presenting your trading strategies and performance transparently. 

As you succeed, your backers are likely to invest more over time. Treat them like partners and provide regular (monthly) updates on your trading activities.

Get Sponsorship from Introducing Brokers

IBs aim to profit from the commissions generated
IBs aim to profit from the commissions generated

Introducing brokers (IBs) provide leverage, trading platforms and sometimes sponsorship or funding for traders. IBs aim to profit from the commissions generated, so skilled traders can potentially get their account funded or sponsored if they consistently deliver steady profits over a sustained period of time (6 months+). 

Make sure to choose an established, reputable broker and stick to trading strategies you have backtested. If you can consistently grow the sponsored account, the IB may be willing to fund a larger portion of a bigger account down the road.

Ask Friends and Family for an Investment

Consider pitching close friends or family members
Consider pitching close friends or family members

For small amounts of funding, consider pitching close friends or family members who understand your trading skills and successes. Come prepared with a solid business plan explaining your edge and proposed strategies. Suggest a small investment under $5000 in total from trusted sources. 

Draw up a formal agreement treating it like a secured loan that pays interest, so your backers don’t lose money if your trading fails. And remind them to only invest disposable income they would be comfortable losing.

Prove Yourself for Angel Investors

Once you have established a solid track record trading your own capital profitably, consider targeting angel investors. These high net worth individuals provide funding for startups and traders they believe in. 

Aim to consistently manage $25,000-$50,000 profitably for a year or more. Build relationships with angel investor networks by sharing market insights and edge. If you can deliver steady monthly returns over time, angels may be willing to invest $50,000-$100,000 in your trading.

Case Study: Crowdfunding Trading Account

John was an aspiring forex trader who had refined a price action strategy he backtested for 3 years. He started a crowdfunding campaign seeking $5000 to fund a small live trading account. He transparently shared his trading edge, example trades, risk management plan and performance goals. Within 2 months he had raised $5300 from 17 backers. John traded the account successfully for a year, earning 12% average monthly returns. Many backers reinvested their profits, allowing John to expand his funded account to $22,000.

Comparison: Savings vs Crowdfunding

Funding a trading account with your own savings instills discipline but limits size. Crowdfunding provides more capital but requires accountability to backers. Each method has pros and cons to weigh. Ultimately personal savings are lower risk while crowdfunding offers more potential upside if traded successfully.

How to Get Funding for Trading: Funded Trading Programs from WMT

One top program to consider is through WeMasterTrade (WMT)
One top program to consider is through WeMasterTrade (WMT)

An increasingly popular way for new traders to get started is through funded trading programs. These programs provide traders with virtual or real money to trade live in the market in exchange for a percentage of profits. One top program to consider is through WeMasterTrade (WMT) 

WMT allows traders to get started with as little as $10,000 in funding. What’s great is there is no funding fee charged – just a profit share agreement where traders can keep up to 90% of trading profits. Traders have complete control and flexibility over their trading without limits on positions or daily trades. If targets are met, WMT will also increase your account size so you can trade with more capital.

To learn more about WeMasterTrade and our funded trading program, visit our website at You can also check out their blog for trading tips and insights at


The journey to obtaining substantial capital to start trading is challenging but not impossible. Starting small with a systematic approach is crucial to prove one’s skills before seeking larger investments. Success can be achieved by maintaining a combination of patience and perseverance. 

It’s essential to remember that sound strategies and risk management should always come first, and capital is secondary. Consistently delivering profits with what you have is the way to grow your funding over time. The journey may be long, but discipline in trading and funding goals is critical.

In summary, funded trading programs like WMT are an excellent opportunity for new traders to enter the market. Remember to start small, focus on sound strategies and risk management, and stay disciplined in your trading and funding goals. Discover more copy trade activities on WeCopyTrade.