Get Funded and Start Trading: A Guide to Funded Trading

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Start with funded trading

Trading is attractive to many individuals, and it offers lots of advantages. However, the barriers to entry can be daunting, especially for those who have limited capital. This is the reason why funded trading programs are created, providing an enticing opportunity for aspiring traders to access substantial capital and start trading. In this article, we will discuss what funded trading is, the pros and cons, the steps to get funded, and how to choose the greatest funded trading program.  

What is Funded Trading?

Funded trading is a trading arrangement where traders trade with the support of a proprietary trading firm or a third-party investor. By participating in funded trading programs, traders do not use their own money. Instead, they are given access to capital provided by the funded entity. The firm and the trader then share the profits made from successful trades according to a predetermined arrangement. 

Funded trading programs provide traders with educational resources like webinars to help them become more informed and successful. They also give traders access to the best trading platforms and accounts, lowering the risk of loss by giving real-time data and trustworthy platforms. In addition, traders take a big portion of their gains and request a payout when they reach a certain level of profitability. These make a funded trading program an enticing option for those who are looking to benefit without risking their money. 

Pros and Cons of Funded Trading

Funded trading pros and cons
Funded trading pros and cons

Like any trading or investment approach, funded trading comes with its own pros and cons.


  • Access to capital: By using a funded account, you can trade with a large amount of money and potentially earn higher profits than you could with your own limited capital. Moreover, funded trading provides you with the flexibility to take on more risk because you are not investing your money.
  • Professional guidance and support from the firm or provider: A lot of funded trading programs give educational materials, up-to-date information, mentorship, and support to help traders enhance their skills and knowledge and become successful. This is invaluable, especially for newcomers who are learning the intricacies of the market.  
  • Profit-sharing: Funded trading programs typically involve profit-sharing arrangements. This means that traders get to keep a portion of the profits they generate, offering the potential for substantial earnings.
  • Potential for Scaling: Successful funded traders may have the opportunity to receive additional funding as they meet performance targets. This allows them to scale up their trading operations and increase potential profits.
  • Psychological Advantages: When using someone else’s money to trade, you can relieve the tension and anxiety that comes with utilizing your own money. Because traders are less emotionally attached to each deal’s outcome, this can lead to more objective decision-making and better risk management.


  • Profit-sharing: Profit-sharing arrangement is also a drawback. A portion of the profits earned goes to the firm or provider, reducing the trader’s overall profitability compared to trading with their capital.
  • Limited flexibility and independence: Traders have to adhere to specific rules set by the firm. This can limit their ability to leverage certain market opportunities. 
  • Risk of losing the funded capital: While traders are not risking their personal capital, they can lose access to the funded account if they fail to adhere to risk management rules or meet performance targets.

Steps to Get Funded and Start Trading

Funded trading sounds too good for those who have limited capital. Here are the basic steps you need to go through to become a funded trader.

Choose a Funded Trading Firm 

The first step is to research and opt for a reliable, funded trading firm. You should choose firms with clear rules, a transparent fee structure, and a successful track record. Read reviews and testimonials from former traders to gauge their experiences. Get funded and start trading with WeCopyTrade.

WeCopyTrade offer a very attractive funded trading program for beginners
WeCopyTrade offer a very attractive funded trading program for beginners

To be assessed as a funded trader, an applicant must submit an upfront fee. This test can take several forms, but normally they must demonstrate their value by piloting a demo account and regularly delivering solid results before being given the keys to a funded account. If an applicant fails this evaluation, the upfront fee is typically not reimbursed. If they pass, the fee will be repaid when they have earned enough money for the financing firm. 

Trade Within the Firm’s Rules and Guidelines

Once funded, traders can start trading on multiple exchanges utilizing the funding firm’s platform. Remember that funded traders are trading on behalf of the funding firm, not on their own behalf. This strategy is advantageous not just because of the access to funds but also because financed traders can immediately jump in and trade in any market that the firm has access to.

Different funding firms have different regulations and rules about how much can be traded each day, and traders must adhere to them. If these rules are not followed, there will be intricate drawdown criteria and a zero-tolerance or “strikes” policy. Therefore, it is crucial to review your firm’s rules before you start to avoid serious mistakes. 

Withdraw & Scale Your Trading

Know when to withdraw and scale your trading
Know when to withdraw and scale your trading

Depending on the firm with which you trade, the profit share might be as high as 90% to you and 10% to the firm. You are normally allowed to trade as you see fit as long as you respect the company’s trading guidelines. Access to sponsored capital provides for higher returns than trading with your own cash, which can lead to higher profits.

Most funding providers charge a monthly fee based on the amount of funds you have access to. If you have trading success and borrow additional money to invest via your financing firm, you may have to pay a bigger proportion in fees. Before you trade, examine your company’s fee schedule. 

How to Choose the Greatest Funded Trading Program

Choose the best funded trading program is important
Choose the best funded trading program is important

There are numerous companies offering funded trading programs but not all of them are reliable. An essential part of being a funded trader is finding the program that works for you. Here are some criteria to consider when opting for a funded trading program:

  • Reliability: A funding firm’s dependability can be assessed via online research. Visit discussion forums as well as reviews from other sellers. Speak with genuine clients or traders of the firm if at all feasible. You can also determine if a financed trading firm pays on time and treats its traders properly.
  • Initial investment: Financial leverage and purchasing power are two critical factors for traders. Long-term trading profitability is exceedingly difficult if one does not have enough funds. As a result, it is critical that your proprietary firm provides you with the purchasing power to accomplish the necessary deals. WeMasterTrade’s funded trading programs offer traders significant capital to be able to have enough leverage to trade with profits.
  • Fair terms and conditions: You need to pay attention to the firm’s terms and conditions such as risk management and payment. This is where you can assess whether or not the way a prop firm does business is appropriate for you.

Tips for Becoming a Successful Funded Trader

Funded trading is not risk-free. However, if you research, practice, and adhere to a disciplined trading strategy, you will eventually see profits.

  • Begin with a higher time frame: Many newbies make the mistake of selecting time periods that are too short for proper trade planning. Higher time frames make it much easier to identify entry and exit positions. 
  • Keep an eye on technical charts: To plot the upcoming move, closely monitor divergence points on the chart. Divergence signals a possible shift in trend. This is the time to put your strategy into action – hold, sell, or purchase.
  • Maintain consistency in your methodology: Trading is a long-term endeavor that requires a disciplined, consistent strategy to prevail. Develop a trading plan that you can stick to before you start.
  • Practice self-discipline: Self-discipline is essential in trading. It enables you to regulate your emotions and make sensible decisions. Maintain your plan despite market volatility. Fear, greed, and rage are all powerful emotions that can result in costly mistakes. 

Final Words

In conclusion, funded trading is a great option for those looking to trade without risking their capital. It offers access to capital, support and guidance, potential for scaling, and psychological benefits. Nevertheless, it is critical to opt for the appropriate funded trading firm, show consistent profitability, and follow risk management principles. Keep in mind that funded trading also involves risk, and success requires thorough research and continuous learning. Are you eager to learn more trading strategies? Visit our website